OFALA supports NFALA's message opposing hate- and bias-motivated acts.
The National Filipino American Lawyers Association (NFALA) is the national voice for the Filipino‐American legal profession and it is our mission to advocate for justice, civil rights, and equal opportunity for the Filipino‐American community. Along those lines, NFALA is pleased to announce it has adopted policy resolutions: (1) opposing hate‐ and bias‐motivated acts, (2) condemning and rejecting white nationalism and white supremacy, the Ku Klux Klan, neo‐Nazis, and other hate groups, and (3) urging political and civic leaders to speak out against racism, anti‐Semitism, white supremacy and xenophobia.
“We want our communities to know that their institutions and the justice system stand with them when hate crimes and hate speech occur,” said NFALA president David Mesa.
As an example, the Oregon Filipino American Lawyers Association (OFALA) and six other Oregon minority bar associations issued a joint statement in support of the Oregon State Bar Association’s “Statement on White Nationalism and Normalization of Violence” in the April 2018 issue of the Oregon State Bar Bulletin. NFALA is a non-partisan national organization that embraces lawyers of diverse political leanings. It supports the First Amendment right of OFALA, and all of its affiliates, to speak out on these and other important issues and endorses a civil and respectful political discourse, safe and free from hateful, retaliatory conduct.
NFALA is the national voice for the Filipino-American legal profession. It advocates for justice, civil rights, and equal opportunity for the Filipino-American community. It cultivates high standards of integrity and professionalism among its members and strives for the advancement and success of Filipino-Americans within the profession. NFALA is a family, comprised of members throughout the United States, with the shared goal of increasing its national growth, impact, and visibility while also celebrating its members’ cultural heritage.
To learn more about NFALA,, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter (@NFALA1) and Instagram (@filamlawyers).