Oregon Filipino American Lawyers Association
Member Activity:
Jennifer Leung - JD Writer in Residence
Judge Janelle Wipper's Speech at AAYLC
Steven Powers (at-large representative) appointed to Oregon Court of Appeals by Governor Brown
Affiliate Links:
National Filipino American Lawyers Association
Oregon Asian Pacific American Bar Association
National Asian Pacific American Bar Association
Employment Opportunities:
Listings will be updated weekly or when new postings are received.
If you are an employer and would like to share a posting, please send to contact@OregonFALA.org (Attn: Announcements/Job Postings)
Student Opportunities:
Student opportunities include student employment opportunities, volunteer opportunities, as well as scholarship opportunities.
If you want to share opportunities for students, please send information to contact@OregonFALA.org (Attn: Student Opportunity)
Conference Stipend Application:
OFALA offers conference stipends that are open to all applicants. If interested, please fill out the application linked above and send to contact@OregonFALA.org. Once received, your application is reviewed by the board and you will be contacted directly if a stipend is granted.